Older Appointments

David Kemp @Farris LLP

David Kemp joined Farris LLP as Associate Lawyer in Kelowna. Up until now, he had worked at FH&P Lawyers LLP.

Ryan Neely @McCrea Immigration Law

Ryan Neely has been hired by McCrea Immigration Law as Partner in Vancouver. He was previously employed as Associate Counsel - Immigration Lawyer at Farris LLP.

Wei Sun @Gowling WLG

Wei Sun has been recruited as a Partner at Gowling WLG in Vancouver. He previously worked at Singleton Urquhart LLP in the same position.

Amy Frankel @Forte Law Corporation

Amy Frankel has been hired by Forte Law Corporation as Lawyer in Vancouver. Before that she served as General Counsel & VP People at Better Plant Sciences.

Michael Bellomo @Alexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP

Michael Bellomo is no longer with Kent Employment Law where he had been employed as a Lawyer to occupy the same functions at Alexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP in Vancouver.

Alana Dale-Johnson @Alexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP

Alana Dale-Johnson was hired by Alexander Holburn Beaudin + Lang LLP as an Associate Counsel in Vancouver. She had previously occupied the position of Partner at Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel LLP.

Lindsay Clark @Fasken

Lindsay Clark has been appointed as a Corporate and Technology Lawyer at Fasken in Vancouver. She had the same responsibilities at Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP.

Brian Poston @Clark Wilson LLP

Brian Poston has taken on the responsibilities of Partner at Clark Wilson LLP in Vancouver. He previously worked the same job at MacKenzie Fujisawa LLP.

Jeanne Posey @Harper Grey LLP

Jeanne Posey has joined Harper Grey LLP as Associate Lawyer in Vancouver. Formerly, she had worked at Moodys Tax.

Charlotte Cowley @Legal Aid Alberta

Charlotte Cowley is moving from Ki-Low-Na Friendship Society. Startning now, she will become Duty Counsel at Legal Aid Alberta in Kelowna.

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